Logical Puzzles !!! Can u take it ???

1) Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each caught exactly one fish and yet there were only three fish caught. Why?

2)Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two children form a typical American family. If exactly two of the following statements are true, what is the first name of the father, mother, son and daughter:

  • George and Dorothy are blood relatives.
  • Howard is older than George.
  • Virginia is younger than Howard.
  • Virginia is older than Dorothy

3)How can you connect nine dots in three straight rows of three with four straight lines without raising the pencil from the paper?

4)Three men were standing in a row, all facing the same direction, so that there was one in back who could see the two in front of him, one in the middle, and one in front who could not see either of the other two. There were three blue and two red hats. One hat was placed on each man, without them seeing which two were left over. Each man was told the total number of each color of hat. First the man in the back was asked if he could deduce what color hat he had on, but he said he couldn’t. Neither could the man in the middle, when he was next asked. But then man in the front, who could see neither of those behind him but could hear their answers, correctly deduced by logic what color hat he was wearing. What color was it and why?

5)There are three boxes which each contains two marbles: one has two white, one has two black and one has one white and one black marble. Each of the boxes also is labeled as to its contents, but each label is incorrect. What is the fewest number of marbles you could remove from the boxes and look at in order to definitely determine the contents of all three boxes?

6)A farmer has a fox, goose and a bag of grain, and one boat to cross a stream, which is only big enough to take one of the three across with him at a time. If left alone together, the fox would eat the goose and the goose would eat the grain. How can the farmer get all three across the stream?

7)Twelve billiard balls all weigh the same, except for one that is either light or heavy. Determine in three weighings on a balance scale which is the “odd ball”, and whether it is light or heavy.

8)A traveler meets a native in the jungle at a the fork in the trail, where only one path goes to the village. The traveler does not know which path to take and knows that the native could be either from the tribe of Truth-tellers, who always tell the truth, or from the Liars, who always lie. What is one question he could ask the native to discover the path to the village?

Answers will be out after u think over it ….

Special thnks to  :: GOKUL